Around the web — 4/7/2013 — Archean jellyfish? Homeschool uncritical thinking? An atheist’s journey!

joc_april2013Jellied jellyfish — The cover of the April 2013 Journal of Creation has a picture of a jellyfish, with a caption that states “Fossil Jellyfish from Western Australia: Challenging Geological Chronology.” The article is “Fossil jellyfish from the Pilbara, Western Australia” by Philip Worts. The article is not available online yet, but I assume there is a claim that the Archean rocks of the Pilbara Craton—which contain what many believe to be Earth’s oldest known bacteria fossils—contain jellyfish fossils as well. I haven’t read the article so I cannot comment on that aspect.

What is harder to believe, that jellyfish got preserved in quiet, oxygen-poor sedimentary environments, or that somehow the carcasses of these fragile creatures stayed intact in the abrasive sediment-rich slurry that the YECs propose for Noah’s flood?

More unsalty salt — Last week I wrote a critique of a young-Earth creationist proposal that evaporites (rock salt, gypsum, etc.) were formed during Noah’s flood by crystallization from “salt magma.” Now there is a homeschool study guide to go along with the salt magma YouTube video. Most homeschooled kids won’t be harmed by this, but those who do any critical thinking or investigation about the video could be at risk of being “already gone.” This is especially true when they are presented with the false dichotomy of “if YEC isn’t true, then Christianity isn’t true.”

Atheist to deist to Christian — Christianity Today has the story of Jordan Monge: The Atheist’s Dilemma: I tried to face down an overwhelming body of evidence, as well as the living God.

But never once did I have to sacrifice my intellect for my faith.

It was the only rational course of action.

Persecution of Christians continues — Secular Sweden Sees No Problem in Sending Christian Converts Back to Iran?

What is worse, a toy or a bloody conquest?Lego drops Jabba toy after Muslims complain — So, it’s bad that this Lego set has a building that sort of looks like a mosque in Istanbul, but it is just fine that the Turks invaded the Christian Byzantine Empire, and converted its greatest church, the Hagia Sophia, into that mosque?

8 thoughts on “Around the web — 4/7/2013 — Archean jellyfish? Homeschool uncritical thinking? An atheist’s journey!

  1. Mike Riter

    According to YEC EVERYTHING happened during or right after Noah’s Flood!!! But as far as I know, they haven’t been able to even postulate a theory concerning how all the meteor crators were made during or around it. Some are below the ocean, some are on the surface and many are beneath the surface and thousands of them would’ve been Earth-changing!!!! I wrote them a letter about this and none were able to even begin a response!!!


  2. Jordan Monge has an interesting story. I must say that I too went from Athiest to Christian and that was after getting my geology degree!

    I should also add something about the Hagia Sophia, it is my understanding that the “mosque” is actually not an active mosque at the moment. In fact I think the only public prayer permitted is within a designated prayer room that is for staff use. I think this demonstrates how being legalistic doesn’t solve the worlds problems only makes everyone upset… luckily we have God who can save us despite our failings.


  3. matterhorn731

    In regards to the LEGO thing: I’m definitely of the opinion that people have overreacted to this. But I’m not sure bringing up the fall of Constantinople is entirely justified. Isn’t it kind of like a Muslim complaining about Christians based on the Crusades? After all the fall of Constantinople was closer to the end of the Crusades than either event was to today (both happened more than 500 years ago).


  4. geochristian

    Matterhorn — I have mixed thoughts about the Crusades. There were plenty of bad things done by European Christians (or I should say partially-Christianized Europeans; I would put all of us Christians in the partially-Christianized category). But from a historical standpoint, the Crusades have to be put in the context of a thousand-year conflict between Muslims and the West from the 600s into the 1600s. What many forget or don’t know in the first place is that the Muslims launched a massive assault on the Byzantine Empire and then on Western Europe. In this context, the Crusades were a legitimate counter-offensive, and one that I am glad was fought.


  5. HI Kevin! I’ve never posted here. I’m wondering if it’s OK to reply to Mike Riter (though it’s not about the OP), who wrote, “as far as I know, [YECs] haven’t been able to even postulate a theory concerning how all the meteor crators were made during or around” the Flood. If so…

    Mike, while AiG, CMI, etc., don’t subscribe to Walt Brown’s hydroplate theory (there are various YEC flood models), many of us YECs do. When the fountains of the great deep broke open (producing the globe-encircling mid-oceanic ridge), ejected rock and water severely cratered the Moon, especially on what is now the near side, and especially when it was moving “retrograde”. That severe cratering (as elsewhere also, including on Mercury & Mars), sometimes called the Late Heavy Bombardment, is not seen on Earth because our sedimentary layers were covered by floodwaters and were still forming.


  6. geochristian

    Bob — Feel free to reply to either the original post or any comments. The comment threads do wander from the original topic at times, but that hasn’t been too much of a problem.

    In regards to the hydroplate theory — If the mainstream YEC organizations reject it, it must be really bad. I advise my YEC friends to avoid using arguments that are on AiG’s Arguments we don’t use page.


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